Profit Leap Mentorship Program
It’s time to turbo-charge your Profitability and uplevel your personal ROI in your businessYour 6 to 7 figure plus business is well and truly up and running. But it’s a lot of work for the return that you get back out of it. Bigger business = more moving parts to manage.
It. Just. Gets. Harder. Right?
Wrong. It means it is time to focus on the only 3 things that will make increasing profitability efficiently easier.
It is time to stop chasing profit. It is time to start being intentional about making profit.
It is time to simplify and focus. It is time to make life easier. It is time to take your business to a new level. Profitably.
For The Online Entrepreneur:
Maybe you’re ready to step into a real CEO role and are looking to uplevel your skillsets as the business has now gained traction and is established. First things first though – you have made it to 6 figures plus and you know you’re ready to really grow from this point.
You know you need to embrace the numbers. You can’t avoid it any longer. You’re the CEO now. And real CEO’s don’t avoid their numbers. Real CEO’s use their numbers to glean insights about their business. But that doesn’t mean they have to be the full-time CFO. They just need to know the right bits that will make a difference. I know you’re ready to learn the simple concept that will making an intentional and efficient profit a skill for life that will transform your ability to make profit. Easily. You just have to commit.
You’re ready to grow this business. But most importantly, you’re ready to ensure you grow it profitably.
For The Brick & Mortar Business Owner:
So. Many. Moving. Parts.
You’re buying. You’re selling. You’re keeping your head above water. You’re managing. You’re doing. Just doing…all…the…time…
Turnover has been growing. But where’s the profit to match? You’re doing more ‘business’. You’re ‘busy’. But you’re just not seeing the profit you deserve for all the effort you are pouring into your business. Every day.
Tomorrow. Next week. Next month. You’ll repeat the cycle…doing more and not seeing the profit to match. You’ll carry on trying to answer the question that is ‘too big’ – “how do I make more profit?”
It’s time to break it down for you. It is time to give you the simple piece of focused vision that will help you to answer your question.
It’s time to scale…profitably…
Welcome To The Profit Leap Mentorship Program
My goals for you on this Program are:
- To show you how to use the 3 #profitlevers (the only 3 things that will ever change your profitability) and turn making a profit into a skill for life that you can re-deploy in any business
- Make you more confident and comfortable about the numbers in your business
- Make you more confident when talking to your bookkeeper / accountant / in-house finance team
- Provide you with a skillset that you can utilise over and over again to grow the profitability in your business efficiently. This will form a key component of the overall blueprint for your business in the future
- Provide you with a focused way to review everything that is going on in your business, and whether the actions being taken and the behaviours witnessed are in alignment with your profit goals
- To make sure that your mindset is right and that the moneyflow focus is travelling in the right direction
The program is run initially over a 6 month period. The first quarter is on an intensive basis where we go through a series of modules to ensure that we have all of the key components in place ready to deploy and apply to your business in the second quarter.
All work is done on a 1:1 basis via recorded video so that you can go back and review the calls at your own leisure to recap and implement accordingly.
You will have complimentary access to the paid Membership community during the period of the Program.
Is this for you?
This is for you if:
- You want to learn how simple it can be to exponentially increase your profitability by focusing on the only 3 things that will affect your profit – wherever your business is located geographically, whether it is service or product based, whatever it’s size
- You want to get to grips with the profitability of your business
- You want to become an intentional profit maker
- You want ‘making an efficient profit’ to become a ‘skill for life’, that you can deploy in any business you are involved in
- You want to understand how to effectively and efficiently increase the profitability of your business
- You want an experienced commercially minded external hybrid CFO/business growth coach holding you accountable for the profit growth in your business, and to stand shoulder to shoulder with you through the process (and in the future if you desire)
You want all of the above, because neither of us want or need any more day to day battles. Life is too short, time is too valuable.
We go forward together. We transform your profitability together.
For the Online Entrepreneurs:
- $100k+ turnover (or at least 6 months @ £10k+ pcm)
- Either outsourcing tasks to a VA / OBM, or hiring first recruit within the next 3 months
For The Brick & Mortar Business Owners:
- $250k+ (£200k+) turnover
- Premises based business (owned or rented)
- At least 2 other members of employed staff, or 1 employed plus outsourced personnel
What's the format?
Here’s the outline of how we’ll regularly connect:
The Program:
- Pre-mentorship questionnaire – time for you to share and commit to where you are right now, and more importantly where you want to get to
- Introductory call (up to 2 hours) to discuss the questionnaire and for us to learn more about each other as people – time to get connected
- 8 module course spread over 10 weeks (3 months / 1 quarter):
- The general principles about the efficient profit model – what it is and how we will apply it to your business
- Separate sessions dedicated to each of the 3 #profitlevers
- Forecasting and budgeting for your next quarter – basic principles and implementation
- Business v Personal Financial Mindset
- Things to think about in your relationship with your accountant / bookkeeper / finance team – how to get the best out of them
- The relevance and importance of financial insight in your business building exploits
- 3 month implementation follow up with 2 calls per month
- Next quarter budgeting and forecasting session included
The Support:
- Digital download workbook to help you through all of the modules
- Calls recorded via Zoom for you to review later
- Email support or support from within our membership platform
- Unlimited Voxer support
- Access to other programs at reduced rates, plus VIP waitlist opportunities as new programs and products are launched
- Complimentary access to the paid Membership Group ‘The Profit Transformers’ whilst remaining a member of The Efficient Profit Leap Accountability Program {Normal cost $27pcm}

25 years of a hybrid existence of CFO and Growth Coach means that you’ll get the benefit of all of my experience of working with online and brick and mortar businesses in a manageable but focused setting. Safe and sustainable growth, with a keen eye on the numbers in your business are the aim. Creating an environment in which you get to understand how to view your business from a simple financial perspective that will give you the tools you need to be confident about how you grow, and how you can embrace the growth in profitability by working efficiently, not just harder.
Oh yes…And I keep you accountable to the plan we create so that you can achieve the things you want to achieve in your business.
Growing a business from scratch can be a lonely experience. We network, we connect, we find a support mechanism of peers, but there comes a time when your business is ready to seriously uplevel, and that requires much more than ad hoc support from people who aren’t really invested in your business, despite the fact they are more than willing to offer an opinion!
It’s time to build on the foundations you have already built – it is time for some shoulder to shoulder support to help you get to the next level. That’s what the Profit Mentorship Program is here for.
The team that you have built to date will probably be mainly executional and task oriented. Now you need strategic support. Now you need financial know-how and vision to start creating more profit in an efficient manner – a bigger business doesn’t have to mean longer working hours just so you can ‘do more’. Something has to give, and profit efficiency provides the answer.
Time to get to it then. Or you can just carry on as you are, of course…